I have included a number of things that you may or may not want to use promote your story and feel free to use them and customize them for your own purposes. The only thing I would ask that you not altar is the logo. Like a company’s private branding, The Pilgrimage logo defines the scope of the story. The font style is that of the movie The Godfatherstaring Marlin Brando. The road represents a pilgrimage, and the fedora on top of the cross signifies death–in this case, the death of the godfather. I first saw a photo like this years ago that was paying homage to the US soldiers that had been killed during the Vietnam War. Their helmets were placed on top of their rifles signifying the cost they paid with their own lives. In our story, the fedora on top of the cross represents the death of the godfather–who has placed his trust in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as represented by the cross. I believe it to be a powerful logo, and hope that you do too.
The Musical is free and please advertise it as such; and if you so chose, have a free will offering at the door or during intermission to help pay for your production costs. Freely you have received, freely give.
I also ask that you please stay true to the script. There is one place when Abby talks about God,andhow God uses situations to get people’s attention. The script is carefully worded to state that God does not cause such occurrences, but uses them to further His purposes in people’s lives. Whether you agree with that or not, please avoid any question marks of this nature to the audience. It is not my intent to have the audience engage in a mental theological discussion or debate, but for them to be drawn forward by the story line and the characters and the grace of God.
Above all—have fun. Take plenty of pictures and videos. (A special thanks to Vickie Froehlich who took most of our photos and the film crew who shot the video) They will be memorable down the road and if you would like, put them on You Tube and send that link to us to post on our website. It will be a great thing for the community and your actors and crew. But above all—it will be a testament to the Gospel and God’s saving grace through our Lord Jesus Christ
God Bless You!
Robert Ringham